TNPL Recruitment 2012 – 60 Semi Skilled Vacancies
Posted by CareerClap
Published on Saturday, November 17, 2012
TNPL Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Vacancies: 60
Name of the Post:
Name of the Post:
1. Semi Skilled Trainee (B) (Chemical) – 40 Posts
2. Semi Skilled (B) (Chemical) – 07 Posts
3. Semi Skilled (B) (Boiler Operator) – 07 Posts
Age Limit:
Semi Skilled Trainee (B) (Chemical): For General candidates 25 years, BC candidates 25 years, MBC/DNC
candidates 27 years, SC/ST candidates 30 years.
Semi Skilled (B) (Chemical, Boiler Operator): For General & BC candidates 30
years, MBC/DNC candidates 32 years, SC/ST candidates 35 years.
Educational Qualifications: Candidate should be a Diploma holder in Pulp & Paper
Technology/Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology for Semi Skilled (Chemical)
and Semi Skilled Trainee (Chemical) Posts and for Semi Skilled (Boiler
Operator) post must possess Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
How to Apply: Candidates
are requested to download the Bio-Data form from the notification. Fill it with
all mandatory details, affix color photograph, attest signature, super scribe
the name of the post to be applied for on the envelop and send it with
documentary proofs in support of age, community & Education to the
following address Deputy General Manger(HR), Tamil Nadu News Print and
Papers Limited, Kagithapuram – 639136, Karur District, Tamil Nadu on or before
Last Date for the submission of filled in Applications: 29-11-2012.
For more details like Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, Stipendiary
scale, other instructions etc., click on the following link…
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