STATE GOVERNMENT JOBS Tamilnadu, – Apply Online for 127 Asst Medical Officer Posts 2012
Posted by CareerClap
Published on Monday, November 19, 2012
– Apply Online for 127 Asst Medical Officer Posts 2012: Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has
issued notification for direct recruitment of 127 Assistant Medical Officer
Vacancies in the Department of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy included in
Tamil Nadu Medical Service. Eligible candidates may apply through online mode
on or before 11-12-2012. For more detailsregarding age limit, educational
qualification, selection process, how to apply and other details are given
Vacancy Details:
Total No of Vacancies: 127
Names of Posts:
1. Assistant Medical Officer (Siddha): 83 posts
2. Assistant Medical Officer (Ayurveda): 06 posts
3. Assistant Medical Officer (Unani): 24 posts
4. Assistant Medical Officer (Homoeopathy): 14 posts
Limit: Candidate age must
be between 18 to 35 years as on 01-07-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended
as per rules).
Qualification: Candidate
must possess HPIM or GCIM or L.I.M or B.I.M or M.D in a relevant field or a
degree in B.S.M.S/ B.A.M.S/ B.U.M.S awarded by any one of the recognized
Universities including Dr. M.G.R Medical University of Tamil Nadu or any
other recognized degree or Diploma in Unani/ Ayurveda/ Siddha , the holders of
which are eligible for registration under “A” class or “A” special class with
the Central Board of Indian Medicine, Chennai and must have registered his/her
name with the Central Board of Indian Medicine, Chennai for Sr. No. 1 to 3
posts and Post Graduate Diploma of the Faculty of Homoeopathy (London) or any
Diploma/ Degree in relevant field for Asst Medical Officer (Homoeopathy). For more
details candidate should refer to the notification.
Fee Details: Candidates
need to pay examination fee of Rs. 175/- (Examination Fee Rs. 125/- + Cost of
Application Rs. 50/-) through Online or Offline mode. (SC/ST/MSC/DC/BC/BCM/Destitute
Widows/EXSM/Differently Abled persons exempted from Examination Fee but they
have to pay Rs. 50/- towards cost of application).
i) Through Online payment fee must be paid through Net Banking, using Credit Card or Debit card.
ii) Through Offline payment fee paid through Challan (generated from bank website) in any Indian Bank branch or Post Office.
i) Through Online payment fee must be paid through Net Banking, using Credit Card or Debit card.
ii) Through Offline payment fee paid through Challan (generated from bank website) in any Indian Bank branch or Post Office.
Process: Candidates will be
selected on the basis of Main Examination in Computer Based Test Format and
Oral Test in the shape of an interview.
How to
Apply: Eligible candidates
are required to apply Online by using the website or on or before 11-12-2012. After submission of online
application candidate need to take print out of online application and retain
it for further use.
for Online Application:
1. Before applying, the candidates should have scanned image of their photograph and signature.
3. Select the ‘Notification’ link followed by “Apply Online” link besides the
post or service for which they wish to apply.
4. Candidates should fill all mandatory columns, upload photograph and signature at places provided and click on ‘Submit’ button.
5. After submitting Application, application number and password will be generated.
6. Take note and also take print of application and retain it for further use.
Date of Notification: 16-11–2012
Last Date for Submission of Application: 11-12-2012
Last Date for Fee Payment through Bank or Post Offline: 13-12-2012
Date and Time of Main Examination: 06-01-2013 from 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM
For more
details like pay scale, vacancy details, eligibility criteria, online
application process and other details of TNPSC Recruitment click on the link
given below……
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