Bharat Dynamics Limited Recruitment – Apply Online for 77 Various Vacancies 2013
Posted by CareerClap
Published on Sunday, December 16, 2012
BDL Recruitment 2013 – Apply Online for 77 Various
Vacancies: Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad has issued
notification for filling up of 77 Various Vacancies. Eligible candidates can
apply through online from 15-12-2012 to 02-01-2013. For more details regarding
age limit, educational qualifications, selection process and how to apply are
mentioned below….
BDL Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Vacancies: 77
Name of the Post:
I. General Manager (Finance): 02 posts
II. Additional General Manager (Personnel & Administration): 01 post
III. Deputy General Manager (Personnel & Administration): 01 post
IV. Deputy Manager:
1. Personnel & Administration – 05 posts
2. Mechanical – 21 posts
3. Electronics – 12 posts
4. Computers – 09 posts
5. Electrical – 03 posts
6. IMM – 07 posts
7. Radar – 04 posts
8. Liaison – 01 post
V. Management Trainee: 11 posts
Age Limit: Unreserved Candidates age
must be not exceed 54 years for G.M & A.M posts, age must not exceed 55
years for SC Candidates for DG.M posts, Unreserved Candidates age must not
exceed 35 years for D.M posts, Unreserved Candidates age must not exceed 27
years for Management Trainee posts as on 01-01-2013. Age Relaxations will be
extended as per the rules.
Educational Qualifications: Candidates
must possess First Class MBA or equivalent/ P. G Diploma/ P.G Diploma in
Finance along with the membership in ICWA/ CA of India for G. M (Finance)
& Management Trainee posts, First Class in MBA or equivalent/ P. G
Diploma / Diploma in HR for A. G. M (P & A) post, First Class Degree in
Engineering or Technology for D. G. M (Mechanical/ Electronics/ Radar/
Electrical/ Computer) posts, First Class Degree in Engineering or Technology
with First Class MBA/ PG in Material Management for D. M (IMM) posts, First
Class Degree or equivalent for D. M (liaison) posts.
Application Fee: Candidates must pay
Rs.400/- as application fee in the form of demand draft from any Nationalized
Bank drawn in favor of Bharath Dynamics Limited payable at Hyderabad or payment
through online can also be allowed. No fee for SC/ST/PWD/BDL employees.
Selection Process: Candidates
will be selected on the basis of interview except Management Trainee post, for
it selection will be based on the written exam & interview basis.
How to Apply: Candidates have to apply
online by logging to BDL website bdl.ap.nic.in on or before 02-01-2013, after
submission of online application candidates take print out of it and affix a
photo on the registration slip and enclose attested copies of documentary
proofs in support of age, caste, qualification, experience and DD, send the
Bio-Data along with above said documents by super scribing the envelope as
“Application for the post being applied is ___”,to the “AGM, (HRD), Bharath
Dynamics Limited, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad – 500058 latest by 10-01-2013.
Instructions for Online Applicants:
2. Click on “Careers”>”Recruitments” and subsequently enter on relevant post.
3. Read the instructions carefully and click on the Register Online and fill it.
4. Click Submit and take a print copy of submitted registration slip.
5. Affix photograph on the original registration slip and enclose Demand Draft along with all necessary documents and send it to above said address before the stipulated period.
6. Candidate should keep the registration slip copy safely for further use.
Important Dates:
Starting date for Online Applications: 15-12-2012
Closing date for Online Applications: 02-01-2013.
Last date for Submission of filled in Applications: 10-01-2013.
For more details regarding age,
qualifications, selections and other information click on the below link….
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