PPSC Recruitment 2013 – Apply Online for 334 Medical Officer Vacancies
Posted by CareerClap
Published on Friday, December 28, 2012

PPSC Recruitment
2013 – Apply Online for 334 Medical Officer Vacancies: Punjab Public Service Commission has issued
notification for filling up of 334 Medical Officer Vacancies in the Health and
Family Welfare Department, Government of Punjab. Eligible candidates can apply
through online mode on or before 11-01-2013. For more details regarding Age
Limit, Educational Qualifications, Selection Process and How to apply are
mentioned below….
PPSC Vacancy
Total No. of
Vacancies: 334
Name of the post:
Medical Officer
Name of the
1. General: 121 posts
Punjab: 36 posts
3. Freedom Fighter,
Punjab: 03 posts
4. Sports Person: 11
5. PWD Candidates:
07 posts
6. S. C. Others,
Punjab: 24 posts
Punjab: 13 posts
8. S. C. Others
Sports Person: 04 posts
9. Balmiki/ Mazhbi
Sikh, Punjab: 57 posts
10. B/M Sikh
ESM/LDESM, Punjab: 11 posts
11. B/M Sikh Sports
person, Punjab: 03 posts
12. Backward Class,
Punjab: 31 posts
13. B. C. ESM/LDESM,
Punjab: 13 posts
Age Limit: Candidates age must be between 18 to 38 years as
on 01-01-2012. Age relaxations will be as per the rules.
Qualifications: Candidates must
possess MBBS, Registration in Punjab Medical Council, Knowledge of Punjabi
Application Fee: For Unreserved Candidates Rs.500/- , for PWD
Candidates Rs.250/- and SC/ST Candidates must pay Rs.125/- as application fee
in the form of Single demand draft issued by State Bank of Patiala or State
Bank of India drawn in favor of “Secretary, Punjab Public Service Commission”,
payable at Punjab. No fee for Ex-Serviceman Candidates. Applicants should write
for the post applied, Registration Number, name and address in Block Letters on
the back side of Demand Draft.
Process: Candidates will be selected
on the basis of interview.
How to Apply: Candidates have to Apply
Online through www.ppsc.gov.in fill the Application with necessary details
and take a hard copy of the submitted application enclose the documentary
proofs supporting to age, caste, nativity, Proof of having Passed Punjabi
Language, Degree Certificate, Certificate of Registration in Punjab Medical
Council and other necessary certificates along with 2 self addressed stamped
(Worth Rs.42/-) envelopes and DD by super scribing the application containing
envelope “Application Form For the Post of Medical Officer (General) In the
Department of Health and Family Welfare Punjab (Registration Number send them
to Secretary, PPSC, Baradari Gardens, Patiala-147001 on or before 21-01-2013.
Instructions for Online Application:
1. Log on to the
website www.ppsc.gov.in.
2. Candidates have
to scan their photograph, Signature and scanned before starting the online
applying process.
3. Read the instructions
carefully and then start the filling of application form by clicking on the
next button.
4. Candidates have
to fill the application form within 30 Minutes. Otherwise the session will be
5. Fill all the
fields otherwise it will not proceed.
6. Fill the Bank
details as per their category and educational details and reproduce Security
7. Next upload the
file containing image of photo, DD, Signature in prescribed manner.
8. After Completion
candidate can click on preview button and lock. By Clicking Once on Lock
Changes are not possible.
9. Take 2 copies of
submitted application form out of which one can be send to the office of PPSC.
10. After submission
of online application candidates have to note the Registration Number.
Important Dates:
Date of Issue:
Last Date for
Filling Online Application: 11-01-2013.
Last Date for
Receipt of Online Applications along with relevant Documents: 21-01-2013.
For more details
regarding age, qualifications, selections and other information click on the
below link…
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