THSTI Recruitment 2013 – Various Positions
Posted by CareerClap
Published on Saturday, December 29, 2012
Recruitment 2013 – Various Positions: Translational Health Science and Technology Institute invites the
applications for the recruitment of 04 Senior Program Officer, 03
Interns/Junior Analyst, 01 Executive Management Assistant, 01 Management
Assistant Posts. Eligible candidates can send applications by post on or before
18-02-2013. For more details regarding, educational qualifications, selection
process and how to apply are mentioned below…
Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Vacancies: 09
Name of the Post:
1. Senior Program Officer: 04 Posts.
2. Interns/Junior Analyst: 03 Posts.
3. Executive Management Assistant: 01 Post.
4. Management Assistant: 01 Post.
Limit: Candidates age
should be 55 years for Senior Programme Officer, 40 Years for Interns/Junior
Analyst, 40 years for Executive Management Assistant, 35 years for Management
Qualification: MD/Ph.D
in any branch of Life Sciences and Excellent Written and Communication Skill in
English essential for Senior Program Officer. M.S.c/ M.Tech/ Ph.D in Biology
for Interns/ Junior Analyst Post, Graduate with Diploma in Office Management
and Typing Speed of 50 w.p.m and Shorthand speed of 80 w.p.m. for Executive
Management Asst Post, Graduate with Diploma in Office Management for Management
Assistant Post.
Process: Only short
listed candidates will be called for interview, like depending up on candidate
higher/relevant qualification.
Fee: Demand Draft of
Rs.100/- (SC/ST/PH/Women candidates are exempted from payment of fees) payable
at Gurgaon in favor of the Translation Health Science and Technology
Institution on or before 18-02-2013.
How to
Apply: Eligible
Candidates should apply though prescribed application format along with CV,
attested certificate of all qualification/experience and a demand draft in a
closed envelope super scribed as “Application for the post of…. in THSTI” to
given address Administration Officer (P&A), Translational Health Science
and Technology Institute, 496, Udyog Vihar Phase – III, Gurgoan – 122016 –
Haryana on or before 18-02-2013.
Date for Receipt of Application: 18-02-2013.
For more
details regarding, qualifications, selection and other information click on the
below given link.
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