Intelligence Bureau - IB Recruitment 2013 – Apply Online for 76 ACIO Vacancies
Posted by CareerClap
Published on Tuesday, January 22, 2013
IB Recruitment 2013 – Apply Online for 76 ACIO
Vacancies: Intelligence Bureau (IB), Ministry of Home
Affairs has issued notification against recruitment of 76 Posts of Assistant
Central Intelligence Officer, Grade II/Tech & Assistant Central
Intelligence Officer, Grade II/Wireless Telegraphy, General Central Service,
Group–C (Non-Gazetted/Non-Ministerial). Eligible candidates may apply through
online mode within 30 days from the date of Advt published in news paper. Other
details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details,
selection process and how to apply are given below…
IB Vacancy Details:
Number of Vacancies: 76
Name of Post:
1. Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade II/Wireless
Telegraphy (ACIO-II/WT): 57 Posts
2. Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade II/Tech (ACIO-II/Tech):
19 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates’ age should be between 18 years to 27 years as on the closing date for receipt of applications. (Age relaxations will be extended as per Govt. rules).
Age Limit: Candidates’ age should be between 18 years to 27 years as on the closing date for receipt of applications. (Age relaxations will be extended as per Govt. rules).
Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess B.Sc/ BE/ B.Tech/ Diploma/ M.Sc (Wireless)
in Telecommunication Engineering and PG diploma in Computer Applications or BCA
in relevant field from any recognized university.
Application Fee Details: Applicants need to pay application fee of Rs. 100/- in form of
Challan of State Bank of India or through Net Banking Facility of SBI or
through Debit-cum-ATM card of SBI. SC/ST/Women candidates are exempted from
payment of fee.
Selection Process: Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in
Written Test and Personal Interview.
How to Apply: Candidates
can apply online through the website www.mha.nic.in on or before 30 days from
the date of Advt published in news paper.
Instructions for Online Application:
Instructions for Online Application:
2. Select the advertisement link followed by current notification link.
3. Select the ‘New User’ link if you are applying for the first time.
4. Click on ‘Apply Online Part I’ link, read the provided instructions, check
the check box and click on ‘Click Here to Apply Online Link’.
Last Date for Online Application: Within 30 days
from the date of Advt published in Employment news paper.
For more details like vacancy distribution, pay
scale, reservations, other requirements, other instructions and online
application, click on the links given below…
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