APSRAC Recruitment 2012 – Apply Online for 494 Various Vacancies
Posted by CareerClap
Published on Saturday, December 1, 2012

Vacancy Details:
Total No of Vacancies: 494
Names of Posts:
Water Resources Division
1. Scientist/ Engineer – SD Hydrology: 01 post
2. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Hydrology (Modelling): 01 post
3. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Irrigation Management: 01 post
4. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Watershed Management: 01 post
5. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Hydrology (Water Quality): 01 post
Agriculture & Soils Division
1. Scientist/ ‘SD’ Agriculture and Drought: 01 post
2. Scientist/ ‘SD’ Soils: 01 post
3. Scientist/ ‘SC’ Crop Studies: 01 post
4. Scientist/ ‘SC’ Soils: 01 post
5. Scientist/ ‘SC’ Drought Studies: 01 post
Disaster Management Supprot and Coastal Studies Division
1. Scientist/ Engineer – SD: 01 post
2. Scientist/ Engineer – SC: 01 post
Geo-Sciences Division
1. Scientist/ Engineer – SD Ground Water: 01 post
2. Scientist/ Engineer – SD Geology: 01 post
3. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Ground Water: 01 post
4. Scientist / Engineer -SC Geology: 01 post
Use & Ecology Division
1. Scientist/ Engineer – SD Land Use/ Urban: 01 post
2. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Land Use: 01 post
3. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Urban: 01 post
4. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Ecology & Forestry: 01 post
Geomatics & Capacity Building Division
1. Scientist/ Engineer – SD Geomatics: 01 post
2. Engineer – SC WEB GIS: 01 post
3. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Database Administrator: 01 post
4. Scientist/ Engineer – SC Photogrammetry & Image Processing: 01 post
5. Scientist / Engineer – SC Network Administrator: 01 post
Manpower requirement for Sponsored & In-house Projects on annual contract basis
1. Team Leader (Soils): 03 posts
2. Resource Analyst (Soils): 01 post
TRIAD & TIS Project
1. Consultant (Irrigation Engineer): 02 posts
2. Team Leader (Hydrology): 04 posts
3. Senior Resource Analyst (Land Use / Land Cover): 01 post
4. Senior Resource Analyst (Soil Studies): 01 post
5. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydro-geomorphology): 01 post
6. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydro-geomorphology): 17 posts
7. Resource Analyst (Hydrology): 27 posts
8. Field Assistant/ Surveyor: 18 posts
Space Based Information Support for Decentralized Planning
1. Team Leader (GIS): 05 posts
2. Team Leader (Land Use / Land Cover): 01 post
3. Senior GIS Analyst: 21 posts
4. Senior Resource Analyst (Land Use / Land Cover): 04 posts
5. GIS Analyst: 184 posts
6. Resource Analyst (Land Use / Land Cover): 98 posts
Indira Jala Prabha (IJP) Project & Integrated Watershed Management Project (Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department)
1. Consultant (Soil Survey / Agriculture): 01 post
2. Team Leader (Soil Survey / Agriculture): 02 posts
3. Team Leader (Hydro geomorphology): 01 post
4. Team Leader (Land Use / Land Cover): 02 posts
5. Senior Resource Analyst (Soil Survey\ Agriculture): 03 posts
6. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydro geomorphology): 02 posts
7. Resource Analyst (Hydro geomorphology): 03 posts
8. Resource Analyst (Soil Survey \ Agriculture): 04 posts
9. Resource Analyst (Land Use / Land Cover): 03 posts
Generation of Seamless Mosaic of Maps Prepared Under RGNDWM Phase-I & III of AP
1. Team Leader (Hydro-geology): 01 post
2. Resource Analysts (Hydro-geology): 02 posts
Spatial Database Creation on Ground Water Quality using Legacy Data under Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission- Phase : IV- For State Of Andhra Pradesh
1. Consultant (Water Quality): 02 posts
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Water Quality): 04 posts
National Geo-morphological and Lineament Mapping on 1:50,000 Scale for the State of Andhra Pradesh (NRSC)
1. Consultant (Geo-morphology): 01 post
2. Resource Analyst (Geo-morphology): 02 posts
Second Cycle of LULC 50K Mapping under Natural Resources Census
1. Senior Resource Analyst (Land Use / Land Cover): 02 posts
2. Resource Analyst (Land Use / Land Cover): 03 posts
Performance evolution of Irrigation Projects
1. Team Leader (Hydrology): 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydrology): 01 post
Basin wise yield and usage studies for all sub basins
1. Team Leader (Hydrology): 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydrology): 03 posts
Watershed Evaluation
1. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydrology): 02 posts
Monitoring of Tank encroachments in and around major cities using high resolution data
1. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydrology): 01 post
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plans
1. Team Leader (Coastal Studies): 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Coastal Studies): 02 posts
3. Resource Analyst (Coastal Studies): 02 posts
Updating the flood hazard zonation and alleviation measures
1. Team Leader (Hazard Studies); 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Hazard Studies): 02 posts
3. Resource Analyst (Hazard Studies): 02 posts
Mangrove mapping and Change detection
1. Team Leader (Coastal Studies): 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Coastal Studies): 01 post
3. Resource Analyst (Coastal Studies): 01 post
Coastal Drainage
1. Team Leader (Coastal Studies): 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Coastal Studies): 01 post
3. Resource Analyst (Coastal Studies): 02 posts
Erosion monitoring and shore line changes including the event based damages
1. Team Leader (Coastal Studies): 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Coastal Studies): 01 post
3. Resource Analyst (Coastal Studies): 01 post
Soil resource mapping on 1:50,000 scale and creation of soil data base for 5 districts of A.P. using satellite data
1. Team Leader (Soils): 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Soils): 03 posts
3. Resource Analyst (Soils): 06 posts
Sea water ingress
1. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydro geomorphology)
2. Resource Analyst (Hydro geomorphology)
Pilot study for Ground water estimation with reference to GEC methodology
1. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydro geomorphology): 01 post
2. Senior Resource Analyst (Hydro geomorphology): 01 post
Qualification: Candidates
are asked to refer to the notification for the details of post wise required
educational qualification.
How to
Apply: The eligible
candidates may apply through online application mode from
website on or before 27-12-2012.
Date for Online Application: 27-12-2012
For more
details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, reservations, other requirements,
other instructions and application format, click on the link given below…
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